Sunday, August 29, 2010

New School

As most of you know I started a new school two weeks ago. It is different from my old school in a couple of ways. First, it's not an English school like my old school. It is a regular Korean preschool and the students just take an English class. So during school the kids are allowed to speak in Korean (not in their English classes...) and most of their classes are taught in Korean. Also the age group is different. I went from have kids between 6yrs (4-5 American age) to 12 (10-11 American). Now I have from 4yrs (2-3 American) to 7yrs (5-6 American). They are unbelievably cute! Also, I used to work with 8 other foreign teachers and countless Koreans. Now I work with 1 other foreigner and maybe 15 Koreans. Are school also finishes earlier. Since at my last school we had older kids our school stayed open longer. But now that we have younger kids my school "closes" at 4. I have to stay and plan but I finish teaching by 4 everyday, which is really nice.

These are the 4 yr olds. Sooooo small and cute!These are the 6yr olds, the classes I spend the most time in.These are the 7yr olds. The other foreign teacher spends most of her time with them. They are a handful!Another difference about this school and the last one is that we don't have to teach on Friday! Every Friday we have a different event like birthday party or field trips that take up the majority of the day. This Friday was a Fairy Tale theme so the kids spent all day do crafts and games that were centered around that theme.

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